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Benvenuti al Tutti!

Welcome to Luigi's Tastes of Italy

This blog is my small dedication to Italian cooking, and is abolutely 100% free of pretentiousness, complicated ingredients, or any effort to present Italian cuisine as anything other than it really is, very simple.

Hope you enjoy reading my posts and maybe trying out some of the recipes.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Baby Update and Coffee Cake!

So since we had our lovely baby in January, I have realized (probably more so than my wife) just how difficult parenthood is, very little going out, spare time is almost non-existant, certainly no more playstation time, or spare hours spent messing around on the PC, shockingly even very little time for the blog here.

Now instead, life is all divided up into bite size smalll chunks. All of which revolve around baby, and take place between his feeds, nappy changes and random sleeping patterns.

Thankfully though, there is still time to cook, to share, and to eat, and that monumental moment has now come to baby Sergios life where he will be baptized into that lifelong activity! Eating food!

To mark this occasion we decided to bake a coffee cake, well why not, cake is always good for a celebration. Was just a simple affair of  sugar, butter, a few eggs, self raising flour, baking powder, and a couple of tablespoons of strong espresso.

The bad news for Sergio, was that at all these ingredients were off-limits to a small baby, but it didn't stop him getting mighty excited to see it.

And the excitment continued, he was even pleased to pose for the camera (and no thats not a potty, its supposedly a special chair, thats good for his back)

 Sadly however, the excitment was short lived, the cake was taken away, for mummy and daddy to enjoy later, instead there was something else in store for his inaugural meal.

As can be seen he was less than impressed with the tasteless, colourless, odourless baby rice he was confronted with. "WTF is that, that ain't cake" .

However having Italian genes, he soon got the hang of eating, greediness, and making a mess, baby rice today, piles of pasta tomorrow (not literally, before social services come beating down our door).

Hopefully in the next few weeks, I can finally share some more recipes, but for now I hope this update was of some interest. And at least explains my abscence. :)


Ana Powell said...

Hi Luigi
Nice to see you back.
Congratulations on your baby son. He is so lovely but my God they are really hard work.
Life goes by very quickly, so enjoy every single minute of it.
Great photos.
Wishing you all a great weekend ♥

Joanne said...

Oh Luigi he is adorable! Are you sure you can't move to NYC so I can baby-sit him? Too cute!

Unknown said...

Adorable!!! Recipe please (for cake not baby!)

Charlene said...

Very cute pictures! :)

Brownieville Girl said...

What a little dote!

It will be no time before he'll eat the whole cake!!

Mari said...

AWWWWWW He is so precious!!!!! it's funny, I was just thinking about you guys and then BOOM I see that you posted =)

I think you guys should come to nyc so Joanne and I can babysit our international nephew! lol

Kim said...

Sergio is doll baby! You and your wife will have the most fun feeding him and introducing him to all the good stuff:)

Enjoy the coffee cake!

Hiperica di Lady Boheme said...

Congratulazioni, il tuo bambino è bellissimo!

Pam said...

Luigi, your little guy is so adorable; you are indeed blessed! I'm new here and see many great recipes and am looking forward to more!

Ty'sMommy said...

What a gorgeous little one you have there, Luigi! When they start to eat real food is such an exciting (and messy!) time. Best wishes to you and your wife, and precious little Sergio, too!

Velva said...

Yeah! You are back. Sergio rocks! Beautiful.

Donna said...

He is darling! I love those chunky cheeks!

Carla and Michael said...

Babies. Yes they are alot of work. Even more so, they give alot of pride and pleasure. Just make sure to enjoy him while you can. Someday in the not too distant future, he wont need you as much anymore and you'll be saying "wow, were did the time go?". Hope life settles down for you soon and you can squeeze in some time to post your fabulous recipes.

Karolina said...

Hi there! Nice to see you back. You have such a good looking baby. :) Cheers from North Yorks and looking forward to new recipes.

Roz said...

Congratulazioni! Che bella bombino! I just found you today from a list on another blog that we mutually follow. I love your blog! Can't wait to try new Italian recipes. I'm an Italian American (or American Italian, whichever you prefer) with little blog that I hope you visit. I clicked to follow you so I don't miss anything.

Ciao, Roz at La Bella Vita

Tanya Alekseeva said...

Luigi- your comments on my blog crack me up, thanks for making my day! Sergio is the cutest little man- he looks very worth the time! xxTanya

Monika said...

Hello Luigi!

I like you authentick and simple Italian recipes.

And your son is very sweet :)

Buona giornata, ciao,


Kate said...

so cuuuuuuute!!!!!

natalia said...

Caro Luigi, Sergio è bellissimo !! Spero le cose procedano più che bene . Auguri a voi e godetevelo che passa molto in fretta anche se a volte sembra di no ! Baci

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